The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has embarked on a rigorous search for a credible candidate to represent the party in the upcoming 2026 elections in Osun State. Recognizing the significance of selecting a candidate of impeccable character and proven leadership, APGA aims to present the people of Osun with a candidate who embodies the values and aspirations of the party.
The selection process, led by the party's leadership, involves thorough scrutiny of potential candidates' track records, integrity, and commitment to the development of Osun State. APGA is committed to ensuring that the chosen candidate aligns with the party's principles of transparency, inclusivity, and good governance.
Osun State has witnessed significant political and social changes in recent years, making the 2026 elections a pivotal moment for its residents. APGA, known for its dedication to grassroots development and people-centric policies, seeks to play a pivotal role in shaping the state's future by presenting a candidate capable of addressing the pressing issues facing Osun.
In a statement, the APGA State Chairman in Osun State, Wole Adedoyin emphasized the party's commitment to fostering positive change in Osun State through responsible and accountable governance. The party believes that a credible candidate with a clear vision and actionable plans will resonate with the electorate, leading to a prosperous future for the state.
As the search progresses, APGA encouraged its members, supporters, and the general public to actively participate in the process by providing feedback and recommendations. The party is committed to transparency and openness, ensuring that the candidate selection reflects the will of the people and aligns with the democratic values cherished by APGA.
The party leadership has expressed confidence that the chosen candidate will embody the qualities needed to navigate the complex challenges facing Osun State. APGA remains dedicated to fostering unity, promoting socio-economic development, and ensuring that the voice of the people is heard and respected in the corridors of power.
In the coming weeks, APGA will engage in extensive consultations with party stakeholders, community leaders, and the public to ensure that the candidate chosen is not only acceptable to the party faithful but also capable of earning the trust and support of the wider Osun electorate.
As the search for a credible candidate unfolds, APGA looks forward to a vibrant and democratic process that will set the stage for a successful electoral campaign in 2026, ultimately leading to the emergence of a leader who will bring positive change to Osun State. The party invites all concerned citizens to join hands in building a better future for Osun.