Monday, January 8, 2024

APGA Osun Congratulates National Chairman on Chieftaincy Title Conferment


The Osun State Chairman of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Wole Adedoyin,  has extended his  heartfelt congratulations to Barr. Sly Ezeokenwa, the National Chairman of APGA, for his well-deserved chieftaincy title conferment as IFESIMBA by HRM Igwe Obikaenyi Livinus Ezenwa and the Umuomaku community.

Adedoyin emphasized that Barr. Sly Ezeokenwa is a fitting recipient of the title, praising him as a "round peg in a round hole" and underscoring his significant contributions to community development, Anambra State politics, and the nation as a whole.

The congratulatory message acknowledged Ezeokenwa's dual commitment to both community welfare and political advancement, expressing confidence that the recognition as IFESIMBA will inspire him to further contribute to the progress of his people.

Members of APGA in Osun State expressed pride in Ezeokenwa's elevation, offering congratulations and best wishes for his new role.

They extended prayers for divine protection and wisdom as he assumes this important position, anticipating positive outcomes for Umuomaku Community and Anambra State.

In closing, APGA Osun expressed gratitude to HRM Igwe Obikaenyi Livinus Ezenwa, the Royal Cabinet, and the people of Umuomaku for their discerning choice of Barr. Sly Ezeokenwa as IFESIMBA.

They commended the consistent diligence and dedication displayed by HRM Igwe Obikaenyi Livinus Ezenwa in leading the Umuomaku Community towards a positive and prosperous direction.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

APGA Osun Unveils Exciting Programme Slate for the Year 2024


In a groundbreaking announcement, the Osun State chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has officially revealed its dynamic and comprehensive programme lineup for the upcoming year 2025.

This significant revelation comes as part of the party's commitment to fostering civic engagement, embracing technology, and strengthening its grassroots presence.

Wole Adedoyin, the esteemed Chairman of APGA Osun, conveyed the detailed initiatives in a statement released to the press.

The unveiled programs encompass a diverse range of activities aimed at promoting inclusivity, connectivity, and informed participation within the party.

MEMBERSHIP SENSITIZATION AND MOBILIZATION: APGA Osun is set to embark on an extensive campaign to raise awareness and mobilize members across the state, reinforcing the party's commitment to unity and inclusivity.

INAUGURATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND WARDS CHAPTER: Strengthening the grassroots foundation, the party will inaugurate local government and wards chapters, fostering a more localized and accessible presence for members.

COCKEREL RADIO LAUNCH: A groundbreaking venture, APGA Osun is introducing 'Cockerel Radio,' an online radio station that will serve as a platform for information dissemination, discussions, and community engagement.

APGA OSUN PODCAST PLATFORM: Embracing the popularity of podcasts, the party is set to launch a podcast platform, providing a convenient and accessible medium for members to stay informed about party activities.

CREATION OF ELECTRONICS ONLINE MEMBERSHIP: In a bid to streamline processes, APGA Osun will introduce an online membership system, enabling members to join and participate in party activities seamlessly.

WEB-BASED APP DEVELOPMENT: A technological leap forward, the party plans to launch a web-based application designed to efficiently manage and coordinate its activities within Osun State.

WEBINAR ON PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY: Recognizing the importance of inclusive governance, APGA Osun will organize a webinar focused on participatory democracy, encouraging active involvement and dialogue among party members.

The unveiling of these ambitious initiatives underscores APGA Osun's commitment to embracing innovation, fostering community engagement, and ensuring a vibrant, participatory democracy within the state. The party looks forward to a year of growth, unity, and meaningful contributions from its dedicated members.

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year: APGA Osun Greets Nigerians


The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) under the able leadership of Wole Adedoyin has extended its heartfelt New Year greetings to the resilient people of Osun State and all Nigerians as they embark on a journey into the promising year of 2024.

In a statement released today, Wole Adedoyin conveyed the party's gratitude for the continuous support and resilience exhibited by the people of Osun State, emphasizing the need for unity, peace, and progress as the state moves forward in the New Year. He acknowledged the challenges faced in the past and expressed optimism for a brighter future under the stewardship of Governor Adeleke.

The APGA Osun Chapter recognized the pivotal role of good governance in enhancing the welfare of the citizens. In this light, the party urged Governor Adeleke to intensify efforts in improving the socio-economic conditions of the people.

Wole Adedoyin highlighted the importance of accessible healthcare, quality education, and infrastructural development to uplift the standard of living in Osun State.

Addressing the issue of security, APGA Osun applauded the efforts of the government in maintaining peace and order. The party, however, encouraged the state administration to collaborate with relevant security agencies to further strengthen the security apparatus, ensuring the safety of lives and property across the state.

The party further stressed the importance of inclusive governance and urged Governor Adeleke to engage in regular dialogue with various stakeholders, including community leaders, civil society organizations, and the private sector. This, they believe, will foster a participatory and transparent government that considers the diverse needs of the people.

As the state progresses into the New Year, APGA Osun Chapter pledged its commitment to serving as a constructive partner in the pursuit of sustainable development. The party advocated for accountability, transparency, and adherence to the principles of democracy in the implementation of policies that directly impact the lives of the citizens.

Finally, APGA reiterated its commitment to working hand-in-hand with the government to build a prosperous and harmonious state that thrives on the principles of equity and justice.

APGA Denounces Logo Change as Diversionary Tactic Amidst Citizen's Suffering