Thursday, April 18, 2024

APGA Denounces Logo Change as Diversionary Tactic Amidst Citizen's Suffering



The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has vehemently denounced the recent change in the state's logo by the Governor Ademola Adeleke-led government, dismissing it as a diversionary tactic amidst the ongoing suffering of Osun citizens.

In a statement released today, APGA's State Chairman, Wole Adedoyin, emphasized that the purported achievement of altering the state logo is merely a cosmetic change that fails to address the pressing needs of the populace.

Adedoyin further stressed that Governor Adeleke's administration has yet to fulfill numerous electoral promises, leaving citizens grappling with immense challenges.

Adedoyin emphasized, "While the ruling party celebrates this superficial change, the reality on the ground is starkly different. Osun citizens continue to endure hardship, with essential services and infrastructure sorely lacking in many areas."

The APGA Osun Chapter Chairman highlighted the acute suffering experienced by citizens across various sectors, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure. He stressed that the emblem alteration serves as a smokescreen to deflect attention from the government's failure to deliver on its commitments to the electorate.

Adedoyin remarked, "We urge Governor Adeleke to prioritize the welfare of Osun citizens above cosmetic alterations.

The emblem change does not alleviate the suffering of our people, nor does it address the root causes of their challenges."

APGA reaffirmed its commitment to holding the government accountable and advocating for tangible improvements in the lives of Osun residents.

The party pledged to continue amplifying the voices of the marginalized and advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of all citizens.

The statement concluded with a call to action, urging Governor Adeleke to refocus his administration's efforts on implementing substantive reforms that address the pressing needs of Osun State.

APGA vowed to remain vigilant in ensuring that the government remains accountable and responsive to the concerns of the people.

APGA Denounces Logo Change as Diversionary Tactic Amidst Citizen's Suffering


The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has vehemently denounced the recent change in the state's logo by the Governor Ademola Adeleke-led government, dismissing it as a diversionary tactic amidst the ongoing suffering of Osun citizens.

In a statement released today, APGA's State Chairman, Wole Adedoyin, emphasized that the purported achievement of altering the state logo is merely a cosmetic change that fails to address the pressing needs of the populace.

Adedoyin further stressed that Governor Adeleke's administration has yet to fulfill numerous electoral promises, leaving citizens grappling with immense challenges.

Adedoyin emphasized, "While the ruling party celebrates this superficial change, the reality on the ground is starkly different. Osun citizens continue to endure hardship, with essential services and infrastructure sorely lacking in many areas."

The APGA Osun Chapter Chairman highlighted the acute suffering experienced by citizens across various sectors, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure. He stressed that the emblem alteration serves as a smokescreen to deflect attention from the government's failure to deliver on its commitments to the electorate.

Adedoyin remarked, "We urge Governor Adeleke to prioritize the welfare of Osun citizens above cosmetic alterations.

The emblem change does not alleviate the suffering of our people, nor does it address the root causes of their challenges."

APGA reaffirmed its commitment to holding the government accountable and advocating for tangible improvements in the lives of Osun residents.

The party pledged to continue amplifying the voices of the marginalized and advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of all citizens.

The statement concluded with a call to action, urging Governor Adeleke to refocus his administration's efforts on implementing substantive reforms that address the pressing needs of Osun State.

APGA vowed to remain vigilant in ensuring that the government remains accountable and responsive to the concerns of the people.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

APGA Osun Greets Christians at Easter


The Osun State chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has congratulated Christians across the state and beyond as they commemorate the sacred occasion of Easter.

In a statement released by the state Chairman of the party, Wole Adedoyin, APGA reaffirmed its commitment to fostering unity, peace, and solidarity among all citizens, regardless of religious affiliation.

As Christians mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ, APGA recognized the significance of this spiritual celebration and joins in the joyous festivities. The Easter season serves as a reminder of the values of love, sacrifice, and renewal, which are essential for building a harmonious and prosperous society.

APGA Osun Chairman, Wole Adedoyin emphasized the importance of embracing diversity and promoting tolerance, urging citizens to emulate the virtues exemplified by Jesus Christ.

He reiterated APGA's unwavering dedication to inclusive governance and equitable representation for all constituents, irrespective of religious beliefs.

Amidst the challenges facing our nation, APGA encouraged Nigerians to draw inspiration from the Easter message of hope and redemption. It is a time for reflection, renewal, and rededication to the principles of justice, compassion, and unity that transcend religious boundaries.

APGA commended the efforts of Christians in contributing to the socio-economic development of Osun State and Nigeria at large. Their resilience, faith, and spirit of charity serve as a beacon of light in times of adversity, inspiring us all to strive for a better tomorrow.

As we celebrate Easter, APGA called on leaders at all levels to prioritize the welfare of citizens and work tirelessly towards the advancement of the state.

In the spirit of Easter, APGA extended its hand of fellowship to all residents of Osun State, irrespective of creed or ethnicity.

According to the release, "May this season bring renewed hope, joy, and prosperity to every home and community, as we continue to march forward on the path of peace and progress."

"APGA remains resolute in its commitment to promoting religious tolerance, social harmony, and inclusive governance. As we commemorate Easter, let us rededicate ourselves to the noble ideals of justice, love, and unity, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for all."

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

APGA Osun Greets Muslims as Ramadan Fast Commences


The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has extended its warmest greetings to all Muslims in Osun state as they embark on the sacred journey of Ramadan.

Led by the Chairman of the party in the state, Wole Adedoyin, APGA Osun embraced this significant period of fasting, reflection, and spiritual renewal.

As Muslims commence the month-long fast, APGA Osun recognized the profound significance of Ramadan in the Islamic faith. It is a time of self-discipline, devotion, and compassion, fostering unity within communities and reinforcing the values of empathy and charity.

Chairman Wole Adedoyin emphasized the importance of solidarity and understanding among people of different faiths during Ramadan. He acknowledged the diversity of Osun State and encouraged mutual respect and support among all residents, regardless of religious affiliation.

APGA Osun reaffirmed its commitment to promoting inclusivity and tolerance in the state, fostering an environment where every individual can observe their religious practices freely and without fear of discrimination.

Throughout Ramadan, APGA Osun stands in solidarity with Muslims in their spiritual journey, offering support and encouragement as they seek to deepen their connection with Allah and enrich their lives through prayer, fasting, and acts of kindness.

The party urged all residents of Osun State to embrace the spirit of Ramadan by extending goodwill to their neighbors, caring for the less fortunate, and fostering harmony within their communities.

Chairman Wole Adedoyin called upon all citizens to reflect on the values of compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude embodied by Ramadan, and to strive for unity and understanding in the pursuit of peace and prosperity for all.

APGA Osun expressed its hope that this holy month will bring blessings, joy, and spiritual fulfillment to Muslims in Osun State and beyond, strengthening bonds of friendship and solidarity across the state and the nation.

As Ramadan begins, APGA Osun reaffirmed its commitment to serving the people of Osun State with integrity, compassion, and dedication, guided by the principles of justice, equality, and inclusivity.

APGA Osun Lauds Anambra Governor, Soludo, for Appointing Ojeyinka as Permanent Secretary


The Osun State Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Wole Adedoyin, has commended Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, for appointing Mr. Adebayo Ojeyinka, a native of Osun state, as Permanent Secretary in the state civil service.

In a press release issued today, Adedoyin hailed Governor Soludo's decision as a testament to his detribalized nature and commitment to building a united Nigeria. He expressed his belief that Mr. Ojeyinka's appointment would not only strengthen Anambra's civil service but also serve as a model for national integration.

Adedoyin further applauded Soludo's vision of inclusivity, stating that it would encourage other states to embrace diversity in their governance structure. He emphasized the importance of competence over ethnicity in government appointments, highlighting that such a strategy would foster national development.

The APGA chairman also urged other political leaders to emulate Soludo's approach to governance. He stressed the need to prioritize competence and detribalization in government positions to create a more unified and prosperous Nigeria.

Adedoyin's commendation has garnered positive reactions from various quarters within Osun State. Many residents expressed their admiration for Soludo's leadership style and echoed the APGA chairman's call for national integration.

This development has sparked conversations about the importance of detribalized leadership in Nigeria. Social media has been abuzz with commentary, with many Nigerians commending Soludo's decision and urging other governors to follow suit.

Analysts believe that Soludo's appointment of Mr. Ojeyinka could have a ripple effect across the country. They posit that it could inspire other states to embrace a more inclusive approach to governance, fostering national unity and progress.

The APGA chairman's statement comes at a time when national unity is a critical concern in Nigeria. Many believe that detribalized leadership is essential for addressing the country's challenges and building a more cohesive nation.

Soludo's action has been lauded as a step in the right direction. It remains to be seen if other governors will follow his lead and prioritize competence and inclusivity in their government appointments. However, one thing is certain: Soludo's decision has reignited the conversation about national integration in Nigeria, and the APGA chairman's commendation has served to amplify this important discourse.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

APGA Osun Condoles with Victor Olopade over Mother's death


The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has condoled with Hon. Victor Olopade, the Deputy Chairman of Osun APGA, over the demise of his beloved mother, Mrs. Felicia Idowu Olopade.

In a statement released today, Wole Adedoyin, the Chairman of APGA Osun, extended sincere sympathy and prayers to Hon. Victor Olopade and his family during this period of profound loss and grief.

Adedoyin emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity within the APGA family, particularly during moments of sorrow. He reiterated the party's unwavering support for Hon. Victor Olopade and his family as they navigate through this difficult time.

The late Mrs. Felicia Idowu Olopade is remembered for her remarkable contributions to her family, community, and society at large. Her legacy of kindness, compassion, and strength will continue to inspire those who knew her.

APGA Osun encouraged friends, associates, and well-wishers of Hon. Victor Olopade to reach out and offer support and comfort during this period of bereavement.

As a party, APGA Osun remains committed to standing by its members and providing assistance whenever needed, both in times of joy and sorrow.

The entire APGA Osun family joined Hon. Victor Olopade in mourning the loss of his mother, and prayed that they find solace in cherished memories and the love of family and friends.

APGA Osun Condoled with Victor Olopade over Mother's Death


The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has condoled with Hon. Victor Olopade, the Deputy Chairman of Osun APGA, over the demise of his beloved mother, Mrs. Felicia Idowu Olopade.

In a statement released today, Wole Adedoyin, the Chairman of APGA Osun, extended sincere sympathy and prayers to Hon. Victor Olopade and his family during this period of profound loss and grief.

Adedoyin emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity within the APGA family, particularly during moments of sorrow. He reiterated the party's unwavering support for Hon. Victor Olopade and his family as they navigate through this difficult time.

The late Mrs. Felicia Idowu Olopade is remembered for her remarkable contributions to her family, community, and society at large. Her legacy of kindness, compassion, and strength will continue to inspire those who knew her.

APGA Osun encouraged friends, associates, and well-wishers of Hon. Victor Olopade to reach out and offer support and comfort during this period of bereavement.

As a party, APGA Osun remains committed to standing by its members and providing assistance whenever needed, both in times of joy and sorrow.

The entire APGA Osun family joined Hon. Victor Olopade in mourning the loss of his mother, and prayed that they find solace in cherished memories and the love of family and friends.

APGA Denounces Logo Change as Diversionary Tactic Amidst Citizen's Suffering